So I am back but i dont want to continue with the same topic.Lets talk abt something else. Have you ever wondered what love is? Well i dont know myself...but it definitely is something..hhhhmmmm this topic is boring meeeeeee...well i shall write about my students....i really love them... all of them ...my class is the most happiest thing in my life right now...i enjoy it so much ...i love the rapport that i share with them..its excellent....they respect me and at the same time they are so free with me...i try to be as cool as i can with them but at the same time it is very necessary for me to maintain my stand as a teacher....it is my responsibilty to make them the right people...well it isnt entirely in my hands but i do and will have a contribution in their personality...amazingly i have got TYBcom and BCA now too to teach and i am too happy...i know that TYBcom is going to be damn boring but nevertheless i shall contribute to its success...i really love this feeling of euphoria that comes to me when i think of my class my students ...i guess this is what love is...no this is what happiness is ..love is ...it is ...its different....its what i would feel for someone who makes my life complete....it is about me thinking about that person every single second of my life till i fall asleep and even after that in my dreams..it is about me going through all the pains kepping in mind that someone will be happy....it is knowing that i care sooooo much about someone like i never cared for any one else...its a feeling that gives me solace during my deepest depressions....it is a feeling that gives me strength during my weakest moment....it is a feeling that adds to my joy during my happiest moment whether someone is there with me or not... it is a feeling that makes me wait and wait and wait and wait for those most precious moments of my love with which i carry myself ahead despite all odds...this is love....and its beautiful even with all its catches and conditions... love is life and i love life.