Seems like I just dont have the right things to talk about..Depression really squeezes out the most negative and hopeless feelings and thoughts out of u...Anybody might think I am having some kind of psychological problem...hehehe....Whatever it is my mindset has become like that ''cheesyyyyyy''...I feel like a prisoner...We live in a democratic country and we have a right to freedom .....What about freedom from emotions, boredom, relations? What about freedom to be u?I really dont understand why has it become so necessary for us to carry facades everywhere we go, be it on a personal level or formal...How much ever we deny the fact, we do at some point or the other exhibit a deceptive appearence either to please or to gain or to impress, whtever the reason...its so much against the character ethics but somehow it has become ingrained in our lives 'The False Appearance'....I feel so tired....Oh well apart from this depressing stuff news is that Mira Nair is going to make 'Shantaram'...yahooooooo!!!!...And the cherry on the cake is that none other than Johnny Depp will be playing the character of Shantaram in the movie......I cant wait for the movie...I know it is still on paper ...And I cant imagine Amitabh in the role of Kader Bhai, but nevertheless this is one movie I wont miss....