Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Thomas Alva Edison said, ''Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.'' But where does one look for that spark of inspiration in a life groaning under humdrum routine? Or does inspiration come on its own , choosing its own time and place (like ... a bath tub for archimedes who yelled ' Eureka' {i have found it} and ran out naked when he discovered a way to determine the purity of gold by applying the principle of specific gravity.
One has to look for inspiration with conscious effort. And ,what better place to look for inspiration than within 'inspiring words'. Didn't somebody say, ''The power of thought can move mountains!''


Tanveer Khan said...

Inspiration comes from all different places.. u never know


Anonymous said...

Abey tohre blog ke update kab karbey?