I had gone to mainstreet today with my mil. Mainstreet is one of the main roads in the Pune city always crowded, full of activity and hustle bustle. So we were passing the renowned Marzorin , and outside there was this beggar in just one tattered shawl. Well, there is usually a gang of beggars beseeching for alms in that particular vicinity, but this beggar was unlike the rest. He was an old, frail, enervated, shaky man. He was pleading each and every passerby to help him but nobody turned back to give him a second glance. There were people dressed smartly in trendy garments displaying youth and vivacity. This presented such a stark contrast to the old beggar. What affected me the most however was the fact that he was crying. He was so helpless, deprived and desperately in need, but nobody had the heart or the patience or the time to stop, give him a penny and move on. I was one of the nobody. I cdnt help him coz at that time i didnt have any money on me. My heart loathed me. I identified with his helplessness. So many times i have felt the same,vulnerable, feeble, clueless and unhappy, begging for help, for love, for concern. The only difference was that i knew that i have my family and friends to support me, whereas he didnt have anyone to look upto for love. I wish i could have helped him but sometimes you have just got to leave it on Allah.
Yaa , some things are just not in our hands
Hello there,
thanks for stopping by my blog. Did you find me by random blog hopping wgich i usually do or did you find me from one of the others blog where i use to comment? Just curious to know, thats all.
And about the beggar whom you were unable to help, just leave it be. Sometimes, like Tanveer said, things are just beyond our reach. The biggest thing is that you have a true heart and a true vision. From what i read, you have the empathy for people. That in itself is such a great thing. It is getting lost day by passing day!
You will find a lot of people who would seek help from you. Be strong for them.
Keep blogging, will keep reading.
Oh-MY-GODDDDD! Someone's got a fan!!! Hehehehe! Anyways, sweets, try the yahoo link on my blog again. This time it should open. (It better! Grrr).
Fan she has got all right.
But am just wondering why she has gone all invisible and all that after that. Does anyone in here have an answer to that???
really posh, i am sorry, i may be wrong, but have you blocked your profile?
Cant seem to be able to get to your profile page and only if i do will i be able to read your blog, if you want the world to read it that is.
If not, then thats ok, am sure you have a good blog, for specific reasons too. People like me are not one of them, obviously, hehe.
Have a good time at the blog, whatever it may be like...
OYE! You need to be able to see my profile to see my blog??? Didn't know that, ji! What say, Shu? You can access my blog, can't you?
Yeah babes i can.
Salam Alaekum.
I think it would be a good idea to go back to Mainstreet and look for the beggar.
If you find him, you'll get to help him out, and maybe even have a little chat with him and make him feel better about his situation.
If you don't, apart from the thawab and all that, you'll have the satisfaction of having done a deed with the sole intention of pleasing Allah Alone. Believe me, it's a good feeling to say the least.
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