Monday, June 05, 2006

What A Relief!!!!!

Thank god, i went to college. It indeed was a great relief. Finally i see some prospects of a job. I had a heart to heart talk with my friend. So much of my confusion cleared away. It is indeed a blessing to have friends who care and understand. It is so true, the saying, that 'you are not known by your capabilities but by the choices you make.' We are faced daily by choices, one right and the other wrong. It depends on our maturity and understanding which one we choose. The supposedly right choices are indeed difficult to make. But sometimes you just have got to let things be. You cant afford to make everyone happy coz not all are going to be happy anyways. There are some who are just not satisfied whatever you do. And i totally despise people who dont have the sense to talk. I mean there are certain ways of getting your things done, there are certain ways of speaking. Hasn't everyone heard about the politeness principles? I wish people would start talking properly to me, i wish they would start taking me seriously, i wish all would stop taking me for granted. I am NOT a good for nothing person. All my talents and virtues are going waste. Guess its time for me to make the choice. Hey anisa,thanx babes i owe u one.


ReallyPosh said...

Hey nice to knw that u have finally decided to take stock of things and 'internalize' that wild locus of control! And hey! I had a heart to heart with u several times too!!!! How come I don't feature here! Sob, Sob! Oh well. Hope you get a job in the campus and then that makes three of us teaching here! Anything to keep the gang from disintegrating, man!

Tanveer Khan said...

That’s true, u can’t satisfy everyone, some one will be left out at the end

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.