Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Independence Day.

Today we celebrate the 59th anniversary of our Independence. Independence from the British Raj. Numerous freedom fighters died for the country some whose names are wriiten in golden words in history and many who are unkown...lost in the darkness of anonymity. Sitting here i really dont feel the importance of freedom , maybe because i have known it since i was born.But i do empathize with what the people must be feeling when their freedom was curbed for two hundred years. Somehow, in this fast paced life full of tensions and responsibilties we just lose out on enjoying this wonderful feeling of being free. I guess we take it too much for granted. Arent we actually wasting that, for which innumerable people lost their lives. How many of us are actually patriotic? What is patriotism? Are we using our freedom in its true sense?
Media the most powerful weapon, to express the public view,to express opinoins, to project the whole truth......isnt it being manipulated thoroughly, by i dont know who, but doesnt this mean that the true spirit of freedom is being betrayed? Still oblivious to all this we the general public celebrate this day with the utmost dhoom . At every nook and corner patriotic songs are blaring form huge speakers which are such a stark contrast to the amount of corruption that is rising by the second and blaring its ugly self every now and then. I bet the freedom fighters above die a painful death every second when they see for what cause they gave their lives. I want to coninue but right now my mind and thoughts arent really flowing with my mood so i shall continue.....

1 comment:

Tanveer Khan said...

Happy Independence Day ,

very nicely written.. yes i agree with you